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There’s a lot of truth in the saying that, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you. These days, methods of surveillance are so easily acquired that almost anyone is capable of surveilling you. Of course, knowledge is power and if you think you’re being surveilled, it helps a lot to know what surveillance techniques could be used against you. Don’t let anyone keep tabs on you without your knowing. Surveillance countermeasures are available to help protect you from those who want to know what you’re doing, saying or where you go. In the meantime, here are some surveillance techniques to be aware of.

Hidden Cameras

Hidden cameras are commonly used to surveil others. This isn’t a nanny cam to protect an innocent child we’re talking about here. We’re talking about a hidden camera that might be live, or taking stills or video of you while you are totally unaware of its existence. Today’s technology allows for hidden cameras to be incredibly small. The tinier the camera, the easier it is to hide. Common hidden camera hiding spots include but are not limited to:

  • Inside wall outlets
  • Inside smoke detectors
  • On ceiling fans
  • Inside car vents

Computer Camera Hacking

Another common surveillance technique is computer camera hacking. It’s possible for a person to hack into your computer system, turn on your PC or laptop camera and watch you from a distance unbeknownst to you. They can watch as you work on your laptop, browse the internet, change clothes or do other private activities. All that’s needed is for your laptop to be open. You’d never know the camera is actively recording you.

Keystroke Logging

Keystroke logging is another surveillance technique that can be used to track what you type, what websites you visit and what you type into chat rooms. Unfortunately, it’s not even hard to implement a keystroke logging surveillance strategy; almost anyone could do this to you, with the right software. In fact, they wouldn’t even need much time to put it in place. Just a minute or two alone with your computer is plenty of time to infect your computer with this kind of program.

Car Trackers

Car trackers are readily available online. They’re mostly used by cab companies and fleet operators so they can keep track of the location of vehicles. They’re also used by some auto dealerships to track the whereabouts of cars that are under loan terms. Ever wonder how a lender knows exactly where to repossess a car? But increasingly, car trackers are being used to track ex-girlfriends, spouses and even employees suspected of certain bad behavior. If you suspect that you’re being surveilled, it’s possible that a car tracker has been placed on your vehicle without your knowledge.

Audio Surveillance

Audio surveillance is virtually undetectable without the services of professional surveillance countermeasures. The primary purpose of audio surveillance is to surreptitiously listen to conversations that you have in person, on the phone or even in public locations. Audio surveillance devices can be microscopic in size. They can be dropped in pockets, sewn into the lining of your clothing, hidden inside any number of everyday objects in your home or office, or placed just about anywhere. It’s only with professional tools that audio surveillance can be detected.

If you notice any of the signs of surveillance, it’s important that you seek the help of professionals as soon as possible. You never know when your actions, words or behavior will be used against you, due to surveillance techniques like the ones mentioned above, Contact Barefoot Professional Investigations to get your privacy back.

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