

Trusted by thousands of attorneys, corporations, and individuals across the Carolinas.

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Barefoot Professional Investigators has over 35 years of witness interview experience.

Witness interviews are far more complex than one may think - the incomplete interviews by law enforcement, the vagaries of memory and changing witness statements, and the difficulty of obtaining corroborating evidence are all factors that come into play. Defense attorneys often do not have the time nor specialized knowledge to conduct these interviews correctly. That’s why many throughout the Carolinas have called on Barefoot Professional Investigations.

Witness Investigations

Hiring a private investigator helps in untangling the complex web of pre-trial preparation. Witness interviews are only one part of a multifaceted process. Because fact-finding isn’t always as straightforward as we’d hope, our activities encompass the big picture and granular details alike. This is why we assist in the gathering and analysis of evidence, finding and vetting expert witnesses, surveillance, background checks, and much more.

With our extensive background in the legal industry, we understand the importance of good trial preparation as well as the difficulties it presents to many law firms. Getting the whole story from all involved parties can be a full-time task in itself. The process is only further complicated by the Rashomon-like nature of investigations, necessitating persistence and a discerning eye to spot inconsistencies, dishonesty, and gaps in evidence - including using computer forensics to recover deleted information. We work carefully and thoroughly while understanding that time is of the essence; completing our work efficiently to allow you more time to prepare your clients.

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Barefoot Professional Investigations works with you to minimize cost and focus resources where they are most needed to gain the highest quality results.

There are times that things must be done on the fly, and the professional judgment exercised by this firm has at times saved valuable information from being lost because of the passage of time or opportunity.

Jeremy B. Smith, Partner

Pinnacle Law

Why Hire Barefoot Professional Investigations?

Defense attorneys often need an experienced private eye to assist with evidence gathering, trial preparation, and witness interviews. Because this often falls outside the attorneys’ skill set or can take away from other crucial preparation, many law offices turn to Barefoot Professional Investigations. Our principal investigators bring decades of experience to each investigation, enabling us to provide exceptional trial preparation for the leading attorneys in the region.

Due to our experience, care, and discretion, you can be sure that what we unearth will meet or exceed the strictest ethical, legal, and evidentiary standards.

Making Use of Witness Preparation

During a history that stretched across more than thirty years, Barefoot Professional Investigations has worked more than 700 criminal cases and a further 200 homicide cases throughout the Carolinas. While the law firms working these cases have varied in some respects, each shared at least one thing in common: a drive to do right by their clients.

As an attorney, your time and resources are finite. Assuming the knowledge to conduct canvassing, surveillance, vetting witnesses, and conducting interviews is likely not the best use of your time, or the best way to safeguard your clients’ best interests. With that in mind, reach out to Barefoot Professional Investigations by phone or by filling out the form below for a confidential consultation.

Schedule a Consultation

Charlotte, NC Office

1011 East Morehead Street, Suite 110

Charlotte, NC 28204

(704) 377-1000

Columbia, SC Office

1122 Lady Street, Suite 238

Columbia, SC 29201

(803) 973-8999

Complete the form below to contact us for a free, confidential consultation.

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