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If you’re like most people, you’re already highly aware that personal privacy is at quite a premium these days, especially with digital and smart technology on the scene. With cameras and numerous smartphones with video capabilities being standard fixtures nearly everywhere, it seems there are few places left where no one’s watching you. Most people think of their homes as a sanctuary from prying eyes, but unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. 

Traditional nosy neighbors tend to be equal opportunity snoops who spread their attention around the neighborhood rather than focusing on one home, individual, or family. Although they’re annoying, they’re generally harmless, but those whose focus is solely on you may be a different story. Reasons for keeping close tabs on you can range from a romantic obsession to a plan to burglarize your home at some future point. 

Following are six signs that your neighbor is watching you. 

Your Neighbor Knows Your Schedule

Although it’s not uncommon for those living in close proximity to one another to have a general idea of their neighbor’s schedule, such as when they normally leave for work in the morning, a neighbor who’s too familiar with your schedule may be watching a little more closely than is normal or necessary.  For instance, if your neighbor is always outside when you come home from work, that may be because he planned it that way. 

Your Mail Shows Signs of Being Tampered With

Signs that your mail is being tampered with include finding mail outside of your box, torn or open envelopes, or signs that the mail has been opened and resealed. For instance, wrinkled mail may indicate that it’s been held over steaming water, which is a common way to open sealed mail. The paper will usually wrinkle when it’s resealed. Other possible indications of mail tampering include the mailbox door being open or mail you’ve been expecting failing to arrive.

Your Neighbor Comments on Your Social Media Posts

Unless your neighbor is among your contacts on social media, commenting on content you’ve created such as posts and photographs is a sign that they’re stalking your social media. Although it’s possible to block them, keep in mind that they may be using an account that’s under a name that you aren’t familiar with — social media stalkers often hide behind aliases. The best strategy is to put your settings on private so that only trusted friends and family members can see what you post.

They Know What Should Be Confidential information

Another red flag is that your neighbor is in possession of confidential information. These could be anything involving an upcoming vacation, a major purchase, or anything else you haven’t yet discussed with anyone outside of your immediate circles. This type of information can be gleaned in a number of ways, including those already mentioned such as tampering with your mail or stalking your social media accounts.

Those aren’t the only ways they might have gotten this type of information. 

You Find Listening Devices on Your Property

Finding listening devised on your property is a clear indication that your neighbor has crossed the line from merely being an annoyance to being someone who possibly means to do you or someone in your household harm.

You Find Hidden Cameras on Your Property

The presence of hidden cameras is another clear signal that your neighbor is more than just a nosy individual with too much time on his or her hands — someone is way too interested in what you or other household members are doing. Before removing or covering the device, be sure to get photographic evidence of it to show law enforcement. 

Although some of these situations are more ominous than others, it’s never a good idea to ignore signs your neighbor is watching you. Unfortunately, local law enforcement agencies often don’t have the time or the resources to handle complaints about this type of activity, and to make matters even worse, some of these activities fall in legal gray areas that may make prosecution difficult. For instance, placing a camera or listening device on your property is clearly a violation of the law, but reading your social media page probably isn’t unless it’s part of a bigger picture. 

A skilled private investigator can get to the bottom of why your neighbor is spying on you. Contact Barefoot Professional Investigations today for more information. 

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