The Official Barefoot Professional Investigations Blog

An Essential Guide For Personal Investigation Tips, News, Trends, and More

Have you ever wondered what happens to your personal information when you sign up for a new game online or download the latest app onto your mobile device? As technology continues to integrate into all of our lives, it is important to make sure measures are in place to protect yourself, and your children’s personal information.

Recently, Pokémon GO has swept America by storm with its interactive platform, intended to get gamers active and social, but it is also raising many concerns about online privacy, especially since it tends to target a younger demographic. Children that are playing this game may not realize the consequences of giving out simple information. Parents should monitor what their children are doing online and what information they are providing in user profiles.

Since the launch of Pokémon GO, many security bloggers noticed that the game requests permission to use the user’s camera, location data, and it also gains full access to the user’s Google account – including email, calendars, photos, stored documents and any other data associated with the user’s account.

This raises concerns for many users, but knowing how to actively protect yourself and your personal information can keep you out of harm’s way with Pokémon GO and use of the internet in general.

Here are a few things you can do:

  1. Read the fine print
  2. Regularly Audit Third Party Apps Like Facebook and Google
  3. Don’t fill out your social media profile
  4. Be choosy about sharing your social security number – even the last 4 digits
  5. Lock down your hardware
  6. Turn on private browsing
  7. Use a password vault that generates and remembers strong and unique passwords
  8. User two-factor authentication
  9. Set up a Google alert for your name
  10. Pay for things with cash
  11. Keep your social network activity private
  12. Don’t give out your zip code when making credit card purchases
  13. Lie when setting up password security questions

For more information on the following tips and the full articles referenced, visit:

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