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Worried that you or your conversations are being monitored? Your suspicions could be correct. It’s completely possible that your activities are being tracked via a listening device of some sort. The device could have been planted there by a business rival, your spouse, a friend, or even a stalker. If your instincts are telling you that someone’s planted a bug in your home, there’s no harm in trying to locate it. 

You’re probably wondering, how can I sweep my house for listening devices? Do I need to hire a professional bug sweeper, or can I take on the task by myself? We’ll answer those questions and more below. Soon, you’ll have all the information you need to address your potential problem quickly and effectively. 

What Is a Bug Sweeping Device?

A bug sweeping device, also called an anti-spy detector, is a tool that detects cameras, locators, or eavesdropping devices that may be hidden from plain sight (or expertly hidden IN plain sight). Bug detectors are very effective, so long as you’re using a legitimate model that utilizes radio frequencies or something equally capable of locating bugs.  

If you can’t acquire a tool to detect recording devices, hidden cameras, or any other type of bug, you may need to hire a professional or attempt to locate the bug without a sweeping device. The good news is, there are ways of detecting hidden listening devices without any special technology. 

How to Tell if Your House Is Bugged

Are your instincts telling you that someone is watching or eavesdropping on you? Feel as though there’s a probable reason for someone wanting to spy on you? If you relate to one or both of these statements, it’s important to take steps to determine whether or not your house is bugged. Here are a few ways to detect hidden listening devices without the use of a bug sweeping tool.

Look for It

Listening devices and cameras come in all shapes and sizes. They’re typically quite small and difficult to detect through sight alone, but there’s a chance you could spot one when sweeping the house. Try to identify anything in your home that’s new or out of place. Carefully examine as many of your belongings as you can, including your decorative items, pillows, smoke detectors, ceiling tiles, clocks, lamps, door locks, and the edges and underside of your furniture. 

Listen for It

You may also be able to hear a listening device, though any sounds it makes will be very discreet. That’s why it’s essential to first wait until your home is empty and it’s relatively quiet outside. Turn off all of your electrical appliances. Then walk into each room of your home, standing completely still. If you hear a soft buzzing or beeping noise, you may be able to pinpoint the location of the listening device.

Check for Power Sources

Every bug needs a power source. Batteries don’t last particularly long, so there’s a good chance that any listening device present in your home is reliant on a steady power source. This power source could give the device away – if you know what to look for.

First, follow any visible wires and USB cords in your home to ensure they’re not connected to a bug. If you don’t find anything that way, check your router. You should be able to view all connected devices and flag those that are unfamiliar. You can also use your phone to check for new hotspots or Wi-Fi networks with a strong signal near your home. 

How to Remove a Listening Device

Found what you believe to be a listening device? If so, you now have three options. The first option is to destroy the device. If done properly, the device will no longer be capable of eavesdropping on you. However, the person spying on you will likely know that their device has been found, which isn’t always ideal. 

Your second option is to block the listening device with an audio jammer. Audio jammers are rather expensive, but they’re capable of masking or distorting the sound input received by a listening device. A major benefit to audio jammers is they’re very small and can themselves be hidden. The only downside, other than the price, is that you’d need a listening device of your own to test your audio jammer’s effectiveness. If you really need that peace of mind, you may prefer the third option. 

If you opt not to destroy or block the device, you can call a private investigator for help. They can expertly disable and remove the device or block the device using an audio jammer of their own. Finding a listening device in your home can be a very stressful and frightening experience. Having a professional on your side can alleviate that stress almost instantly.  

Barefoot PI Is Here to Help

If you fear that you or someone you love is being listened to or observed via technical surveillance, Charlotte’s Barefoot PI is here to help. Listening devices are small and difficult to locate with senses alone. That’s why we offer a variety of professional services to find the smallest of bugs in both commercial and residential spaces. 

Using cutting-edge detection methods and equipment, we perform RF Spectrum sweeps to locate transmitters, electronic and physical inspections of phones and computers, and much more. If there’s a bug in your home or workplace, we’ll find it. 

For over 25 years, people across North Carolina have relied on us for our licensed debugging services. We’re committed to giving you and your loved ones the peace of mind you deserve. If you have any questions or are in need of our services, please contact our private detective agency at your next opportunity. You can get in touch with us by calling 704-377-1000, emailing, or filling out our contact form. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. In the meantime, you’re welcome to consult our resources page for more information. 

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